

Fully managed feature for AWS IoT Core enables enterprises to seamlessly connect low power wireless devices to long range wide area network technology

贝南加利福尼亚州., Dec. 15th, 2020 – Semtech公司 (纳斯达克:SMTC), 高性能模拟和混合信号半导体和先进算法的领先供应商, announced that they have teamed up with 亚马逊网络服务 (AWS) to integrate the LoRaWAN® protocol on the Network Server with AWS IoT Core, AWS’s managed Cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with Cloud applications and other devices.

AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully managed service that enables enterprise IoT developers to easily connect low power wireless devices over long range, 广域网(LoRaWAN)到AWS,而无需开发或运营自己的LoRaWAN服务器. 这简化了利用长距离的物联网解决方案的开发, Semtech的LoRa芯片组和LoRaWAN协议的低功耗和安全性.

开始使用用于LoRaWAN的AWS IoT核心, IoT developers can source AWS qualified gateways operating the LoRaWAN protocol from the AWS Partner Device Catalog and select an array of LoRaWAN CertifiedCM LoRa联盟网站上的设备. 从AWS管理控制台内部, 通过提供该服务,开发人员可以快速向AWS IoT Core为LoRaWAN注册网关, 它的唯一标识符, 并选择LoRaWAN作为射频. 向LoRa芯片组注册设备, 开发人员只需输入设备凭证即可, identifiers and security keys provided by the device vendor on the console and follow guided and easy instructions for specifying device configuration. 除了, 用于LoRaWAN的AWS物联网核心包括各种设备管理功能, 包括安全性和AWS物联网分析的即插即用功能.

“基于我们与Semtech的合作, 物联网开发人员将能够利用LoRaWAN来简化开发过程, 并为其应用程序提供关键功能,例如远程连接, 制造低功耗设备的能力, 提高了安全性,德克·迪达斯卡卢说, 物联网副总裁, 亚马逊网络服务, Inc. “We are delighted to be working with Semtech to accelerate our customers’ adoption of IoT and LoRaWAN allowing them to innovate faster and focus on the main job of creating business value.”

开发人员还可以访问Semtech的LoRa云, 一个简单的基于api的服务,可以很容易地与用于LoRaWAN的AWS物联网核心集成, providing developers with the ability to locate any LoRaWAN enabled device including devices using Semtech’s recently released low power geolocation platform LoRa Edge.

LoRaWAN的AWS物联网核心将通过为开发人员提供即插即用体验来加速物联网应用程序的开发,Mohan Maheswaran说, Semtech的总裁兼首席执行官. “除了, this collaboration with AWS enables enterprise customers using AWS to readily take advantage of the key benefits of LoRaWAN as the protocol continues to have massive adoption in the IoT industry in a variety of verticals ranging from smart home and communities to asset tracking.”

在今天的AWS会议上讨论了更多内容 re:Invent. 欲了解更多Semtech的物联网解决方案,请访问 website.


Semtech的LoRa设备到云平台是全球采用的远程平台, 物联网应用低功耗解决方案, 实现超低功耗的快速开发和部署, 具有成本效益的远程物联网网络, gateways, sensors, 模块产品, 和全球物联网服务. Semtech的LoRa设备为LoRaWAN®协议提供通信层, 由LoRa联盟®维护的, an open IoT alliance for Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) applications that has been used to deploy IoT networks in over 100 countries. Semtech是LoRa联盟的创始成员之一. 要了解更多关于LoRa如何实现物联网的信息,请访问Semtech的 LoRa site.


Semtech公司 is 高性能模拟和混合信号半导体和先进算法的领先供应商 for infrastructure, 高端消费及工业设备. 产品旨在使工程界以及全球社区受益. 公司致力于减少自身及其产品对环境的影响. 内部绿色项目通过材料和生产控制来减少浪费, 使用绿色科技及设计以减少资源. 1967年开始上市交易, Semtech在纳斯达克全球精选市场上市,代码为SMTC. 欲了解更多信息,请访问  


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Semtech, Semtech标识和LoRa是Semtech公司或其附属公司的注册商标或服务标志.

